Sunday, March 8, 2009

Heading into Springtime

I managed to get to the Metro Baptist Association's missions banquet/fair just in time to set up my display about the PrayerPaddle. I guess that there were well over 200 in attendance, with maybe about a dozen who stopped to look at the poster or take an information sheet. The speaker was encouraging about the harvest potential for churches in cities like Jackson, but also pretty convicting.

Yesterday I was busy with "Shine '09", an effort by Transformation Jackson to get Christians from all churches out to do community service cleaning up vacant lots, fixing up school grounds, etc. I was glad that I got to work on a street just south of our neighborhood that I've been concerned about. The weather was perfect. We had a good turnout, although I'm afraid there were still many churches who did not do their part.

I have a lot to get done this week, once I get mid-term grades turned in tomorrow. Then next week will be Spring Break.

For those interested in helping with equipment needs, there have been some items taken off of the Wish List and one new item added.

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