Sunday, February 1, 2009

He Leadeth Me

OK, this is the second try. I wrote up a post a few days ago and lost it when my wireless connection went away. Took me a while to get motivated for a second try.

Since I had to go out to Arizona last month to attend a conference for work, I also spent some time visiting relatives out there. It was a blessing in a lot of ways. While worshipping with my uncle the first Sunday, I was reminded of an old hymn that I hadn't heard in a long time. The words really took on new meaning for me as I try to trust God to lead me in the PrayerPaddle ministry, as well as other areas of my life. It's so amazing to realize that God wants us to follow His lead, not from a distance or through an impersonal set of orders. But we have the privilege to hold to the very hand of God if we are only willing to go where He leads.

"He leadeth me, He leadeth me
By His own hand He leadeth me
His faithful follower I would be
For by His hand He leadeth me"

Learning to trust God to provide is always a challenge. I was challenged (and reminded how small my faith is) recently while reading "God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew. It was one of those books that I'd been meaning to read for the last couple decades, but had always put off. Wow, what an amazing testimony! Meanwhile I'm trying to be faithful and patient for God to bring everything together for the summer. We had a minor scare/distraction a couple weeks ago when the hard drive went out on our desktop PC at home. Thanks to being given a laptop for Christmas, we weren't completely offline. But it was a relief that we were able to save almost all our files (especially family photos) with some help from a friend.

Today was a relatively challenging paddle for me. I was only out for an hour and the weather was nearly perfect. But the most difficult challenge of prayerpaddling is the prayer part. Today I was paddling in a residential area, passing by many households to pray for. Prayer is such a hard discipline to develop, and yet so vitally important to the spiritual battle!

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