Sunday, August 1, 2010

Old News from the Summer

This post got 'lost' in draft for the last several months:

Aside from traveling around and making phone calls, there are a few other items of interest to mention. From July 19-23, Freedom Bible Church in Sutherland River, NS held their Vacation Bible School. About a dozen kids participated, and one profession of faith was reported. This last week my older two children (and nieces/nephews) took part in the VBS of St. Lukes Presbyterian Church here in Bathurst. It also was a nautical adventure theme. The twenty or so children especially enjoyed the music. It was quite a sight to see the sanctuary of the church I was married in transformed into a sailing ship!

Although I have not managed to touch base with everyone that I would have liked to this summer, I have at least made a few interesting ministry discoveries. Following up from my visit to Antigonish, NS, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there is an evangelical campus ministry at St. Francis Xavier University, a leading Roman Catholic institution in Antigonish. I also discovered a ministry from PEI that is using traditional Celtic music to proclaim the Gospel, the "Fiery Faith and Fiddles" of the Sky Family. And finally, I was alerted through Facebook to the First Nations ministries of On Eagles Wings (associated with Ron Hutchcraft Ministries).

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