Monday, July 5, 2010

Back to Acadia

We arrived in Bathurst on Friday evening. No kayak, and no definite plans. In general terms, I want to follow up on last year's PrayerPaddle and look for opportunities to build partnerships. But how that will be done is not yet clear. Since I did not have a clear vision for this year, I did not ask anyone to sponsor me financially. I also am limited somewhat by not having the second family vehicle with me this time. Obviously 2010 will be very different from last year.

On Sunday morning we got to worship in the new building that Gospel Light Baptist Church was able to buy last fall. In the afternoon I visited with the French Baptist "Assemblee Evangelique Baptiste Nepisiguit". Besides renewing acquaintances from last year, it was also a joy to witness the church's first baptism in at least 3 years and to meet the new pastor. Pray for the harvest to come in! Tonight began the Vacation Bible School of Gospel Light Baptist. There were more than 30 kids on the first night, much more than last year.

Later this week I plan to help out with the outreach that Grace Community Church is doing in Antigonish, NS during the Highland Games. A church from South Carolina has come up to help them out with this major unprecedented undertaking.

As I have more news and prayer requests, I'll try to share them regularly through the blog.

By the way, for the folks down in Mississippi: It's been pleasantly cool so far. Today was foggy/drizzly, temperatures in the low-to-mid 60s Fahrenheit. Not like the freeze warning that we had this time last year.

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