Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ready to start?

Yes, tomorrow is the day! I took care of some last minute arrangements and re-arrangments today to make sure things are set for at least the first few days of the PrayerPaddle. We arrived in Bathurst on Sunday afternoon, after leaving Jackson, MS on Wednesday evening after work. There have been a couple more people express interest in volunteering (including one through The Bridge), though I haven't managed to talk with them yet.

I can't get into details at the moment about everything that's happened lately. But it's clear that God is up to something. Looking through my list of devotional topics to possibly share during the prayer meetings, I'm a little overwhelmed at all that's been going through my head. The two church services that we attended this last Sunday were great blessings and encouragements. I feel inadequate in so many ways, yet hoping that somehow God will still do something through my weak and trembling efforts. Whatever I do, I want to do it passionately for the Lord. The biggest challenge at this point is the thought of being separated from my family for so much of the summer.

As we transition into the actual start of the PrayerPaddle, I hope to be able to post blog updates at least every couple days or so. In any case, please pray daily for the communities that I will be going through.


robbink tallahassee said...


I can't imagine the excitement and anticipation you must be feeling as you begin this journey of faith. I'll be praying for God's protection and provision and that He will do much in you and through you. Happy paddling!

In Christ,


Unknown said...

Loren, wishing you God's richest blessings as you undertake to obey him in this mission. May He richly bless you and equip you as He did Moses back in the day as he set off for Egypt. Be strong and courageous!
