Monday, May 4, 2009


Well the snow and ice are gone in the Maritimes now. With some temperatures in the mid-60s, the difference between New Brunswick and Mississippi is only about 10 degrees right now. On the other hand, it's still getting down to around freezing at night up north. I'm busy working on finalizing equipment, route planning, and contacts. Still needing more volunteers. Ask the Lord of the harvest for laborers! I have made some good contacts recently that I'm trying to follow up on. I need to find time to paddle too, of course.

This week is final exams at the university. Next weekend we'll be heading to Texas to spend a few days with my family. (And then come back for a dentist appointment.)

Starting today, another version of the PrayerPaddle blog will now appear in the "Biblical Recorder" of North Carolina Baptists: A feature article in the Canadian "Baptist Horizon" newsletter has been prepared for the May/June issue.

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