Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trying to Make the Transition

After turning in my tenure application, I thought I would find much more time to work on PrayerPaddle stuff. Instead, it seems that I’ve just ended up busy with other things. Right now I’m in the Atlanta airport on my way back from the National Weather Association meeting in Louisville, KY. Last week we made visits to the state fair with the kids and to help at the Pro-Life Mississippi booth. This week is also mid-term exams at JSU. And of course, we’re about to begin the homecoming/revival at our church this Sunday.

Last Saturday we took the whole family out to the reservoir to paddle around a bit. It was a little rougher than I'd expected, so Cynthia had some trouble controlling the inflatable kayak. But Nancy and the boys did pretty good in the canoe. Rebecca got a ride with me in the sea kayak. I also got to practice a few rolls for the first time in waves.

Finally, I’ve started trying to follow up individually by phone with key people about the PrayerPaddle. Also, I wrote up drafts last night of suggested activities for volunteers, a statement of doctrinal fundamentals, and questions of how the success of the PrayerPaddle will be gauged. These will be posted online soon, probably via the blog first.

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