Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Paddling Song and Wave Watching

I got up to the reservoir today to see how rough conditions were, since we were under a lake wind advisory. It looked like a pretty rough chop, but definitely not unmanageable for the kayak. I didn't bother with paddling, partly because I was taking care of the kids while Nancy helped with a "Positive Parenting Fair". The kids enjoyed watching the waves crash onshore, except that Cynthia kept insisting that she wanted to go swimming. The other reason to take a break from paddling is to give more time for my shoulder to heal. It has definitely improved, but I'm afraid it's gonna be a while before it's 100% healed.

Tonight while trying to decide on a song to sing in church next Sunday, I came across a song that fits really good with the PrayerPaddle. Near the end of "Boat of Life", it says:

So why not call on Jesus?
He'll help you safely on
Oh my friend it's foolish
To paddle all alone


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